Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A little whore bashing

There's quite a little tussle going on between M Go Blog and the rest of the Big not-Ten, especially BSD. I suggest you read it, preferably with an open, unbiased mind. To me, the Whores trying to defend anything Dick Rod does, is pretty much like Republicans saying they're the victims. It's just so rediculous that it's not even worth fighting about. So, instead of diving into that whole shitstorm, I'm just going to bring up something completely irrelevant to the situation, dug up from the distant past, just to pretend like it makes a difference whether or not it really even happened. You'll see...

As I was researching for Schedule, Part 2 I came across the game story for Washington's visit to the Pig House in 2002. While I realize Penn State fans won't feel better after reading this, at least we can take some comfort in knowing it's not just Penn State that continually gets screwed by refs when playing the Wolverines.

Before Brabbs' game-winning kick, the Wolverines got another big break on fourth-and-2 with 32 seconds left.

Officials ruled that the pass that went in and out of Braylon Edwards' hands and was recovered by teammate Tyrece Butler was a fumble, not an incomplete pass. Replays appeared to show that Edwards never had possession. Even Edwards didn't think he'd caught it, either, because he stood motionless while the ball was on the ground before Butler pounced on it.

Michigan coach Lloyd Carr made no apologies for getting a favorable call.

"That game was won five or six times and lost five or six times, "Carr said. "And there's no question, when we look back on this game, the hustle play that Tyrece Butler made to come up with that ball won the game for us. It gave us a chance. Braylon on the other hand, he thought he dropped it. Thank God, Tyrece was hustling."

Right Lloyd, it was Tyrece's hustle that won the game. I sure wasn't the refs completely giving you the completion, when everyone and their mothers knew the pass was incomplete. You keep telling yourself that. Just like Tony Johnson's foot wasn't in bounds by like four inches on third down and long. Right.

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