Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dodd and Mandel: Gotta love hatin'em

Dennis “Douche” Dodd over at CBS(EC) joined our good buddy Stewart Mandel, in choosing Pittsburgh over Penn State in the really early rankings. I just don’t get it. These guys get paid?

What they’re saying, through ranking Pitt over PSU, is that Dave Wannstedt’s three non-winning seasons will translate into a higher ranking than Penn State’s three nine-plus winning seasons, a conference title, a BCS Bowl win, and three straight bowl wins against the ACC, SEC and Big XII in that same timeframe. Unbelievable.

I really don’t want to go through this whole thing again. So, I’ll just refer you back to my original Pitt/PSU rankings argument I posted just after Stewie released his back in January.


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