Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

I tried to join the Army, twice, once in April 2001 (yes, before 9/11), and once in April 2003 (after my first year in Penn State's Army ROTC). I was rejected, twice, unable to gain medical clearance after being told my condition could be waived. Am I bitter? Absolutely. But I still love the United States, and it's military very deeply. It has been my lifelong dream to defend this nation. My grandfathers served in WWII, one retiring as a Command Sergeant Major after 36 years as an enlisted man. My uncles served in all branches, and my cousin also tried to join. But he's in the same boat as I am, unable to join because of Crohn's Disease. Yeah, life's a bitch.

I hate the Iraq War and the Bush Administration which lied its way into that war, and out of the war it should be concentrating on, Afghanistan. However, I love the military, and wish I was given the opportunity to serve. I'm still a military history buff, and have done a bit of Civil War reenacting. I will never understand what war is like, nor will I ever pretend to understand. These holidays just upset me now. I won't be going to any barbecues today, and I won't watch any Memorial Day ceremonies hosted by people who have never served. This war is unlike any the US has ever fought. Never has this nation been so selfish, and unwilling to sacrifice. I'm not saying everyone, but when you have most of the wealthiest "Americans" not doing one fucking thing to help, while the rest of America and it's true finest young people suffering every day, there's something deeply wrong with that America we once knew. Happy Memorial Day everyone, and please try to really remember how much others have given to this nation, that we could have the freedoms this nation was once based upon. God Bless America, and God Bless the United States Military.

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