Thursday, May 15, 2008

CBS's Dodd Wrongly Injects Politics into Sports

Forgive me, as I don't like to interject non-sports items into this blog. However, taking into consideration the importance of the 2008 United States Presidential Election, I feel it is completely necessary to bring this issue to light.

Just in case you didn't already despise CBS's blatant SEC homer-ism, here's one more thing to chew on. As if he has any justification, obligation or warrant to inject the 2008 United States Presidential Election into his job--college sports writer--Dennis Dodd has lowered himself to depths only reached by the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. Frankly I'm surprised he hasn't left CBS Sports for Fox Sports.

In his sorry excuse for a column, Dodd felt it completely necessary to begin his blather with this peach of an opener:

"USC's situation is not as bad as it is made out to be. Don't be a lemming -- or an Obama supporter. Think for yourself on this issue."
Sir, I have thought for myself. I will vote for Obama, but it's sure as hell not due to your thoughtful analysis that I must not think for myself.

Dodd's comment is in fact so left-field, so ridiculous that I was tempted to just ignore it and continue not-reading his work. If it were about Joe Paterno being too old, or the SEC's (mythical) speed, I definitely would have let this pass by like a big shit after my morning coffee. Not now, not this time. This CBS writer has fallen to the lowest reaches of shameful, asserting that, lacking any and all substantiation, that if you are a voter supporting Obama, you must be a mindless follower, a blind minion. That, sir, is bullshit. You sir, are nothing more than bullshit.

Dodd has the audacity, the self-righteousness to not only plug his personal, unsolicited opinion into his work, but to slam it over our heads in the lead. This is offensive, and I'm not going to back down. I read (on the rare occasions that I do) CBS Sports for coverage of just that--SPORTS. I do not go to the college football page looking for anyone's political spin. If CBS's editorial crew was willing to let that line go, they should be ashamed of themselves.

I will never, ever tell anyone who to vote for. I may not agree with everyone I meet, and I will always engage them in serious debate over the issues and candidates. However, as Dodd and his minions at CBS fail to do, I will never mock someone for their choices. I will never accuse someone of not thinking for themselves, without first listening to their case for those ideas. Dodd doesn't think that way, though. He would rather throw out some lame, unsubstantiated allegation, a claim that he most likely didn't think of on his own.

So I leave it to Mr. Dodd. He can either issue a concise argument validating his charge against Obama supporters, or he can just apologize to the more than 18 million American voters who are, apparently, just not thinking for themselves.

9 Commented on this story:

Anonymous,  May 16, 2008, 4:52:00 PM  

Please tell me how Sean Hannity or Bill O'reilly have reached such lows? Are they as low as liberal talk show host Randi Rhodes threatening to shoot the President on the air? As low as Al Franken and Air America stealing money from the Boy's and Girls club to fund their failing Air America talk show? As bad as all the liberal hollywood stars who don't know squat about anything bashing the President over and over? As bad as Ted Kennedy for killing a girl and walking away a free man? As bad as John Kerry accusing our troops (again) of being terrorists and terrorizing women and children in the night? As bad as the Joe Biden comparing our oldiers to Pol Pot and Nazi's? As bad as John Murtha convicting our soldiers in the media for Haditha and calling them savages, only for the truth and fact to come out and they did nnot do it and Murtha still hasn't apologized? I could go on and on.

YOu don't like Hannity and O"Reilly because they represent an alternate viewpoint to your liberalism. YOu find no problem with Chris Mathews or any other liberals news anchor/talkshow host/radio host who represents your liberal view.

Anonymous,  May 16, 2008, 5:36:00 PM  

I can easily tell you why Dodd made the comment about Obama and lemmings. Obama is a bumper sticker right now. All he says is change, we need change, I can offer change blah blah blah. People are eating it up w/out paying any attention to the man, the candidtae and his policies. If ANY person bothered to take the time to look at what exactly Obama has done and what his policies are, no person in their rioght mind would vote for him. Obama claims he will bring the parties together, how? His record would indicate the exact opposite. He is THE MOST liberal on his ide according to voting records, how is that going to bring together the sides? He is going to change his extreme liberal view, that's about as likely as a far right wing conservative republican all of a sudden changing his views. Obama doesn't have any qualified experience to be the Pres. His foreign policy is a joke, he want to invade Pakistan, an allie, this from the man who said we shouldn't go to Iraq because Iraq didn't attack us, well neither did Pakistan. All Obama wants to do is tax those evil rich people. People love to hear that CRAP. Obama, along with most democrats, doesn't believe in personal responsibility, he wants to make everyone dependant on the government. He was a big time marxist in college by his own admission, hi policies show he is still like that. Do you want to live in a ocialit country? I don't! Obama is your typical eltist liberal, look at what he has said about middle America, then, your not allowed to criticize Obama about anything cause that would be racist. Look at the company he keeps, a racist, anti white people, anti American pastor. Can you imagain if you changed the word white to black and made Obama white? People would be outraged. What if Mccain, who I hate, was buddies with Timothy McVeigh? People would be outraged, but Obama is allowed to be friends with Bill Ayers?!!! Hypocrisy! Obama had toi fire an advisor, a foreign policy advisor at that, because he worked with and had ties to hamas, another known terrorist who' name is escaping me right now, has a whole section on OPbama's official website. Look at what Obama has said about Israel! This guy goes against everything our founding fathers stood for and wanted for America, he cares me to death. I always ask Obama supporters what they like about him and all I get is his bumper sticker change slogan. They can't tell me about his qualifications or his policies other then take money from the evil rich and evil oil companies. If you don't like this country, what it stands for and what is was founded on then vote Obama.

They are lemmings because Obama i the new, hot thing right now, a young black man with a chance at the Pres. so, they ignore everything and vote for him.

What Obama policies do you like and why? DO you feel 2 years in politics is enough experience to be the Pres. of America?

Mike May 16, 2008, 5:44:00 PM  

You both just proved my point why Dodd shouldn't have said what he did. Just curious though, do you listen to Kevin James on a regular basis? You sure sounds like it. Thanks. Oh, and please leave your names next time. Don't chicken out and go anonymous. Man up to your comments, please.

In case you've tried to already ignore the Right's royal ass whipping at the hands of Chris Matthews, here's a refresher:

Anonymous,  May 16, 2008, 6:38:00 PM  

I don't know who Kevin James is, never heard of him. He must be dumb if an idiot like Chri Mathews can give it to him, how many times have we seen mathews be taken to task.

LIke Bush or not, what he said that Mathews was refering to was 100% on the money. Obama's own website states what he now states he doesn't say. It is STUPID to talk to people like Achmadenadjian (spelling) and as Bush said, to think that they are going to have some persuasive arguement that will make them change their minds, how dumb! Obama, is a joke and dangerous when it comes to national defense.


And those are both my Anonymous posts.

I will debate politics with anyone, I have no fear. If you want to debate liberalism and conservatism I would be glad to.

Mike May 16, 2008, 9:06:00 PM  

You use a computer to spew out these McBush talking points, yet you didn't take the three seconds needed to look up Mahmūd Ahmadinejād's name? Just like your right-wing nut job friends, you still haven't actually responded to the topic at hand in my article, never mind come up with your own original thoughts. But I know, you can't respond until you finish watching Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity for material.

Again, I want to thank these still-anonymous posters for commenting on this, even if it is completely off topic.

Anonymous,  May 18, 2008, 3:56:00 PM  

I support Obama. I am not a lemming. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are angry, ignorant fools who weren't hugged enough as children. And I love how their minions like "anonymous" are so fearless that they dive bomb legitimate debate with these neo-con turds. Guys like O'Reilly, Hannity, Dodd and the oh-so-brave anonymous poster are afraid of the facts. They distort and distract, playing a shell game while regular, hard-working Americans suffer. They prey on fear and ignorance. They use words like liberal and diplomacy like curse words. They lie and lie and lie and then act outraged when someone calls it on them. I'd be surprised if they can sleep at night. They aren't interested in debate. Dodd was wrong to pollute sports with this kind of trash.

Anonymous,  Mar 19, 2009, 12:38:00 PM  

Well gosh, folks; what is your position not that Dodd admits he wrote the bonus loophole into the bill and, better yet, at the behest of the Obama Administration. You guys all going to apologize to Hannity, Fox et al.

Mike Mar 19, 2009, 3:29:00 PM  

I'm not sure anyone on the Right has any credibility to speak about the situation this nation is currently suffering through... when your party decides to not run the United States into the ground, then pretend it didn't happen, then we'll talk...

Anonymous,  Mar 20, 2009, 2:15:00 PM  

Neither party has any credibility at this point. The Dems have been screaming about Republican fiscal irresponsibility, primarily over the cost of at least one unnecessary war) then the Dems take all three branches of government and spend more in 60 days than was spent on both wars over 6 years. This isn't about a breakdown of the Republican Party though that undoubtedly has happened. This is a total breakdown of government. To watch Dodd first deny, then admit but blame the White House for provisions in a bill that the Dems made sure no one could read before they voted after assuring us that if it weren't passed immediately the Nation would be irreparably harmed followed by fingerpointing about what was in the bill demonstrates who utterly bankrupt (pun intended) both parties are.

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