Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here we go!

For a moment, I wasn't sure if I'd get the game. But God must like PSU fans.

First Play: FUMBLE ON KICKOFF! Dammit! Why didn't Navorro Bowman just fall on it?! Come on guys. Safety here we come.

Nice pass by CCU. It wasn't a lack of coverage by PSU. Just a nice throw. I don't see them running too well today, though.

OK, I'm going to watch the game now. I'm not big on the in-game typing. But check back at this post... I'll leave comments as the game goes on. Go State!

3 Commented on this story:

Mike Aug 30, 2008, 12:10:00 PM  

I like the offense so far. The run with Williams was a good change from the normal first plays PSU runs. Clark looks sharp. TOUCHDOWN ROYSTER. That was too easy.

Mike Aug 30, 2008, 12:33:00 PM  

Ok, Comcast can suck my balls. They just changed the PSU game to the OSU came, and 'THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT'

My ass. Looks like the first 4 minutes was all I'm allowed to see today. Sorry folks, I'll be back tonight with the game recap and what I can gather from the stats and highlights.

Mike Aug 30, 2008, 1:36:00 PM  

Not bad through the first half. Even though it's against CCU, the offense "looked" real crisp out there. The best stat out there is "0"--as in 0 turnovers. Considering it's the first game, no turnonvers is important. That first quarter was a little edgy, but PSU owned CCU in the second quarter. The kickoff TD by DWill seemed to give PSU the spark it needed. 24 consecutive, unanswered points is about right. PSU better not give up on this one, and get lazy. It's important PSU keeps passing (but not too much), and running the offense like it were still a decent game.

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