Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Photos from the weekend

I should have known better than to think I could pull off a clean sweep when Rutgers was involved, but it was still a fun weekend full of college football. Friday night I was off to Piscataway for what turned out to be a decent game between the Scarlet Knights and Pitt. Following about five hours sleep, I made the trek up to Penn State. Photos and links are below the fold. Enjoy.

If I were to describe the RU-Pitt game, it would have to be this: two teams spent three hours trying their damnedest to lose, but Rutgers was just better at it.

2009 Pittsburgh at Rutgers

Then there was the epic fail by the Penn State student section. Must be hard to walk that 1/2 mile to Beaver Stadium, huh? Funny thing about it, though, was that I guess since only the true fans actually showed up, the crowd noise seemed just as loud as a full house.

2009 Minnesota at PSU

I apologize for such crappy quality photos. I don't have my good camera anymore; so I'm relegated to using just a regular old Canon Powershot. I'm hoping to save up for a real good one again by this spring for the Blue White Game.

2 Commented on this story:

Anonymous,  Oct 20, 2009, 4:22:00 PM  

I heard a rumor that the student section was so empty because many of the branch campus kids that have season tix did not come up. Is that true?

Mike Oct 20, 2009, 7:46:00 PM  

Mostly, but it's not like students have the same kinds of logistical issues that regular ticket holders might. The problem I have is that we've seen plenty of worse weather games in the past, but they still nearly filled out the student section.

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"Heavy on the analysis and discussion, this meaty blog craves brains because they use 'em when discussing their football. Good reading..." - Sporting News Today, 11/03/08

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Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician, 6/22/09

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