I rest my case
While the latest fad is sweeping the college football web,CollegeFootballNews.com held a roundtable disscussion for national college football writers. Dennis Dodd of CBSsportsline.com was invited as one of the "experts" to weigh in on the questions. The roundtable took place on August 7.
Question: What one thing on the field would you change?
Dennis Dodd's answer: "Two things, sorry. More day games and less TV timeouts. When those new rules were instituted last year, TV didn't budge one inch. Therefore, we got less football instead of less commercials which make the games so long. Maybe I'm naive but to shave one 90 second break off a game doesn't seem like too much to ask."
Sound familiar? I guess that puts me on the same level as the "experts." See you all later for part two.
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