Friday, April 4, 2008

ESPN is really going down the tubes

I guess this was on Page 2 for a reason. It wasn't worth putting on ESPN's mainstream Web site, because IT SUCKS. TINNOMJ says it best. I highly recommend checking out what JB has to say: sucks. The news is old and the writing is worse than, well, mine, if that is possible. This Page 2 post, however, is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen.

Page 2 has been very "inventive" by capitalizing on the recent news that there will be a class focusing on Joe Paterno offered at PSU this year. They nimbly combined this news with the standard Joe Paterno joke: JOE IS OLD! This Joke repeats itself over and over again. We get it, Joe is 81.

It is as if Page 2 captured Orson, Brian, and Mike; lobotomized the lot of them, threw them into a room, and hurled a pencil and three sheets of paper in after them.

A drunken chimp who had been paying attention to PSU for the last 12 months could have written this fucking drivel! "Look at me! Old people forget things! They call people whippersnappers! They don't like kids on their lawn!! I came up with tired stereotypes all bymyself!!"

These talentless assholes would've been better off just linking to BHGP! FUCK! I mean those guys are really funny, you know why? Because they are original. They actually take the time to think up clever ideas and premises and then run with them. Compare that to the Carlos Mencia style of bloggery over at Page 2 where they simply take overused, obvious and offensive stereotypes and stale, unoriginal "jokes" that other people have done better and try to pass it off as clever or funny. The fact that ESPN employs these untalented cock-wrinkles is an offense to all the talented bloggers who are actually funny!

I took their fucking test! Observe:

No...I have more....


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