Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well, I'm smarter than at least one football writer

Someone pointed out to me a while back that there's a test you can take online. That test is the same test given to prospective college football officials. I wasn't too motivated to do it. That is, I wasn't until I found out Dennis Dodd took it, and got a 46 (out of 100). So what was the first thing I did after that revelation? Why, I took the test of course. I thought that since someone (even though he's not my favorite writer) like Dodd got only a 46, I'd probably score lower. Who wouldn't think that? What do you know, folks, I scored a 51. No, I didn't look up any of the answers before submission. (I took the written version of the test over two nights, about two hours total, then punched in my online answers) So a 51 isn't so freaking bad, considering only six years ago I didn't even know how the downs system worked. I kid you not, until I marched onto the field for my first Penn State football game--UCF 2002--I didn't give a rats ass about football. Here's my test results:

2 Commented on this story:

Devon Edwards Jul 9, 2008, 3:21:00 PM  

I feel real smart, with my 67. And damn, that took a LONG time.

Mike Jul 9, 2008, 7:39:00 PM  

Nice score. You should be very proud. And like I said in my post, I don't feel bad about my 51. For a relatively new football fan, I did pretty damn good.

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