Sunday, September 21, 2008

Review, Game 4: PSU 45, TU 3

Today I'll go over a few of the ups and downs from Penn State's win over Temple. There was the drama surrounding Joe Paterno's leg, and the offenses lackluster performance in the first quarter. Although many are pissed off at the Penn State offense right now, I think it was a good thing this kind of game happened against a team like Temple, instead of one like Illinois or Michigan. This will give the team a chance to look at themselves with a critical eye during film review, and maybe come out with more intensity versus the Illini than they would have if the Temple win was easier. But we'll get into all of this as I review how each unit performed Saturday, and what we could expect for next week's showdown with No. 21 Illinois.


Line - It was only a matter of time before Penn State gave up its first real sack--the one at Syracuse was more Daryll Clark's fault than the line's. Temple came out with a fantastic blitz package that overloaded Clark's blind side, and was the perfect call for PSU's play. The run blocking was great again, and there was still plenty of time for the quarterbacks to throw the ball. Two sacks in one game might seem like a lot, but three over four games is great.

Receivers - Penn State's game plan looked like it was designed specifically to get the younger wide receivers involved, and with the injury to Mickey Shuler, Andrew Quarless came up with a great game (50 yds). Next to the offensive line, the receivers on this Penn State team have been the best of all the units.

Quarterbacks - Clark threw an interception, but he's still having one of the best starts for any first-year Penn State quarterback. Penn State is currently leading the conference in passing yards per game (and total yards, rushing and points per game), and is second in the league in team pass efficiency, behind Minnesota, but Clark is the individual pass efficiency leader. Penn State's quarterbacks have thrown for a combined 10 touchdowns and only one interception.

Rushers - As if in competition with the quarterbacks, the Penn State running backs have made every attempt to steal the show this season. Against Temple, they might have succeeded. Evan Royster injected his usual spark, rumbling for a 32-yard touchdown in the second quarter. But it was Stephfon Green who made the biggest splash, on his 69-yard TD jaunt through traffic. After the instability at RB last year, this unit is one Penn State can lean on in 2008.


Line - Aaron Maybin's two first quarter sacks set the tone for the D-line this week, as Penn State clamped down on the Owls' run game, and sacking Temple's quarterbacks seven times. Josh Gaines continued to lead the defense, proving he's a great team captain this year. Penn State's defensive line is quickly tamping down any concern I might have had about productivity after Maurice Evans and Abe Koroma left. When/if they return, watch out.

Linebackers - I've already chosen my Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week. Navorro Bowman came up with one of the best days for a Penn State linebacker in years. Some have compared his effort against Temple to that of LaVar Arrington's all-star play in the late 1990s. Bowman looked the part Saturday, logging 11 tackles, five TFLs, three sacks, a forced fumble and a 29-yard interception return to the one-yard line. Although the rest of the PSU linebackers were relatively quiet, Bowman's performance more than made up for it.

Secondary - There were a few Temple passes that should have been complete with a better quarterback, and more than a few times TU wide receivers got behind the PSU defensive backs. Tom Bradley will have some words for these guys, especially since many of their mistakes were saved by the PSU pass rush. On the positive side, it was another good day for interceptions, as Tony Davis and Knowledge Timmons came up with nice picks. I thought I was being too hard on this unit, but no one gets a free pass next week.


Kickers - Kevin Kelly didn't have to do much, but did nail a beautiful 44-yarder. He looks to be completely healthy after some hip problems the last two season. Jeremy Boone had one shank early on, but dropped one inside the ten-yard line. Not a bad day overall.

Returners - It was another unimpressive day for Penn State's return men. Derrick Williams' fumble was saved by Anthony Scirrotto, and there were no real good returns by either Williams or AJ Wallace. I guess you can't get long runbacks every week, but the fumbles can't happen.

Coverage - Terrible. This was worse than Clark's interceptions and the fumbles on offense and returns. Although there were some great individual efforts (thumbs up to Timmons) to run down the Temple returners, the coverage units--especially on kickoffs--gave up way too many yards. It was like 2007 all over again.


The playcalling was as to be expected. The players didn't execute. Everyone's concerned about Joe Paterno's leg issue, myself included. But we have to just calm down. Team doctor Wayne Sebastianelli knows what he's doing, and wouldn't let Joe do anything stupid. I'm very interested to see how this develops throughout this week. If there's one thing anyone can agree with, Mike McQueary had a nice quiet game on the sidelines. There's no sign of this Spread HD slowing down.

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