Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Purdue "Black Out"

Yeah, because this worked so well for Georgia. Purdue announced that it will "Black Out" Penn State this weekend. This is just one more pitiful attempt by another school to replicate Penn State's "White Out," by putting together an "[Insert Color Here] Out." Are they going to play Zombie Nation (Kernkraft 400), too?

Purdue, I held you to higher standards. Not anymore.

14 Commented on this story:

Scotty Leisure Oct 1, 2008, 12:53:00 PM  

Sorry jackass, we aren't copying you. We are merely trying to get everyone to wear one color for every game. You weren't the first to do that nor will you be the last. When something as simple as having everyone in the stands wear a school color, its not an idea you can take credit for unless you really want to show how dumb you are. The entire year is labeled as a 'black out'. And for two years prior. When some fans wear gold, some wear black, some wear gray, some white, it looks dumb on TV. So they try to get an easy color for everyone to wear. Like black. Or white in your case. Gold just looks bad as a T-shirt.

The only reason they are selling shirts for this game specifically is to raise money for charity.

P_S_Ugrad Oct 1, 2008, 1:40:00 PM  

Lay down Scotty and read this aticle from Fannation:

And in case you can't figure out how to cut and paste read it here:

5. That anything other than the "White Out" is not worth it. If I was a Circuit City employee trying to woo a customer into buying a $2,000 HD plasma TV, the first thing I would show him is Saturday night's broadcast of the Penn State-Illinois game. Even seeing it for a third time, it was impossible not to be awed by the visual grandeur of Penn State's "White Out," which manages to turn a 110,000-seat stadium one enormous flashbulb. It's powerful, it's organized (right down to the block "S" in one corner) and, quite frankly, it's awesome.

Two words of advice to all the other schools trying to mimic it: Just stop. Seriously. The only tangible effect of Georgia's much-hyped "Black Out" was to turn Sanford Stadium into exactly what that Alabama strength coach prophesized: A funeral. And while the electric atmosphere at Reser Stadium last Thursday unquestionably contributed to Oregon State's upset of USC, an "Orange Out" doesn't make the slightest linguistic sense. (Is it akin to peeling an orange backward?) College kids are a creative bunch. I'm putting my trust in you to come up with something new.

boilerdowd Oct 1, 2008, 1:59:00 PM  

In the 60s, 70s & 80s, the phrase "Be Bold, Wear Gold" was on t-shirts and buttons around Purdue. When Purdue was old gold and black, not Vegas Gold, it looked respectable. A sea of beige is not impressive...and that's what the Vegas Gold looks like. I'm happy that PSU's t-shirt nights give you a chubby, but it's far from the novelty that you think it is.

Happy Valley is a great place to watch a game; good fans, big numbers great setting, extremely loud...Will we be allowed to cheer on Saturday, or is that solely the right of PSU fans since you guys came up with that idea too? Please get back to me as I don't want to step on any toes.

Wuv Ya Wions!

Mike Oct 1, 2008, 2:01:00 PM  

Scotty... Whoa, chill. I said nothing of the sorts. Ever since Penn State first did a White Out (in a 2004 loss to Purdue), the phrasing has caught on everywhere. Schools need to get original, like Nebraska's "Red Sea." You jumped to conclusions about my post, then assumed I was attacking the idea of everyone wearing the same color. Wrong. You went on a big long rant for no reason, unless you really wanted to show how dumb you are.

And yes, it's wonderful that PU is generating money for United Way. But I've given to people in need, so don't try to guilt-trip me into that crap. It has nothing to do with the "[color] Out" gripe.

Thanks for visiting ZN!

P.S.-PSUGrad, I also touched on that Stewart Mandel comment in a previous post here. It was a good read.

Captain MaƱana Oct 1, 2008, 3:19:00 PM  

'This is just one more pitiful attempt by another school to replicate Penn State's "White Out," by putting together an "[Insert Color Here] Out." '

Scotty Leisure called you out Mike 2, and you deny what you actually wrote. Seeing how the word 'replicate' means 'to copy', I am wondering what you really meant to write.

Purdue was doing 'Black outs' well before Georgia (and Colorado for that matter), but we have the good sense to realize that we didn't originate this or copyright it so why split hares?

The Phoenix Coyotes of the NHL did their first 'white out' (yes, that is what THEY called it) on April 20, 1997 during the play offs and did their first regular season 'white out' on Feb 21, 2001, so you are absolutely correct Mike 2, some schools do need to be more 'original'.

Mike Oct 1, 2008, 3:34:00 PM  

I don't deny anything. You're the ones twisting the meaning. Try re-reading what you quoted. I specifically said "[Insert Color Here] Out" for a reason, which you don't seem to get. And I never said that PU (or anyone else for that matter) should not wear the same color to games. If you want to get on someone's case for claiming that, then take your case to Stewart Mandel. He's the one who said "Two words of advice to all the other schools trying to mimic it: Just stop. Seriously." Not me.

Anonymous,  Oct 1, 2008, 3:55:00 PM  

Twisting or not twisting Mike 2 has a valid point. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. Apparently only Penn State can do it right. But hey, Georgia lost with a Blackout, Middle Tennessee State lost last night with a BlackOut. Hell, I'd hope Purdue does a Blackout.

J Money Oct 1, 2008, 8:30:00 PM  

Also, the Winnipeg Jets, formerly of the NHL, are widely considered to have started the trend... if we're gonna get technical.

As for Purdue doing a blackout, it looked cool on national tv last year for the night game against OSU... it didn't help, but it looked cool. But for a noon start for this Purdue team?


PSUgirl Oct 2, 2008, 12:11:00 PM  

it's really silly for Penn Staters to be proprietary with respect to the white out - other schools/teams were doing "color outs" well before we were - We just do it best - be happy with that.

"black out" is a common term, and, quite frankly, probably more contextually significant - if there's a white out -your vision is impaired or you need to correct a typing error - if there's a black out - it's dark and the tater tots are rotting.

J money is right - any "out" at 12pm is a bit meh.

Scotty Leisure Oct 2, 2008, 1:11:00 PM  

"Schools need to get original, like Nebraska's 'Red Sea.'"

How original is "Whiteout?" Blackout is so fitting for...a blackout!

I will admit that the PSU whiteout is the most successful attempt at color coordinating the fans. That doesn't mean that a.) you came up with the idea to have all fans wear one color, and b.) other schools using common phrases like "Blackout" should be labeled as imitators. Blackout just makes sense. Orange out does not.

P.S. When we tried to coordinate the Vegas Gold shirts they circulated the phrases "Turn Gold on Saturday" and "Tiller's Sea of Gold."

Scotty Leisure Oct 2, 2008, 1:25:00 PM  

Also, we are not going to play "Kernkraft 400." We play "Shout."

I suppose you think you were the first to play a song at your stadium too. Wisky has been playing "Jump Around" since 1998. How about "Take me out to the ballgame?" It's 100 years old.

About Kerkraft 400: "The song, specifically the "Sport Chant Remix", is popular at North American sporting events. It is used by numerous arenas as their goal-celebration song, particularly in the National Hockey League, and many more as a motivational beat."

All imitators!

Anonymous,  Oct 2, 2008, 2:09:00 PM  

Wow. "Shout" what a great song, for a children birthday party. I never heard anyone else who plays zombie nation actually incorporate a chant (We are penn state) into the actual song like PSU does. So it is pretty original. Also I never saw 100,000 at a hockey game jumping up and down to it either.

Anonymous,  Oct 3, 2008, 8:29:00 AM  

Well then I can't wait until Saturday at 12:00 to see just how great the stadium will look in black. I guess Perdue should at least be greatful that PSU is getting them on TV in the first place so that we can see how well it looks.

B.Lane Oct 7, 2008, 10:42:00 PM  

Everyone slamming Georgia's Black Out this year seems to be forgetting that the first time they did it, last year vs. Auburn, was quite successful... And South Carolina did a Black Out on primetime national TV back in 2001... well before Penn State did anything. Though in fairness, the blackout loses some effect when almost all the faces in the stands are white... hmmm... maybe PSU has the right idea after all ;)

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