Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Run down of JoePa's presser

In his press conference, Joe Paterno sounded like, well, Joe Paterno. He addressed everything from this week's road trip to Purdue to Jordan Norwood's injury, and more. Here's some highlights.

On the Illinois win...

"You get a crowd such as we had Saturday with all the excitement and the enthusiasm and everything like that, you'd prefer to be home... I think if you're good and you're prepared and your kids have their heads on straight, if you're good enough, you win. If you're not good enough, you don't win."
Joe always says he prefers those old 1:30 p.m. kickoffs, but come on, everyone loves a Penn State night game.
On Daryll Clark (original question about Evan Royster's play)...
"Clark adds another dimension where they have to be careful. They can't jump in there and go all over him if Clark pulls the ball out and runs with it."
Yup, Joe really likes this whole spread offense thingy. What was that Jay?

On Purdue's defense...
"I think we've got to go in there and be ready to have a balanced attack, because they might put eight guys in the box against us..."
They might? Try, they will. Purdue may not be great this year, but they're not stupid. This will be a classic trap game, and PSU has to be ready.

On the criticism surrounding the linebackers...
"I think both Hull and Sales have played well. Of course, we take Sales out when we go to the nickel package because we want to get another pass defender in there. But I think they both have played well. And I think (Navorro) Bowman -- you didn't mention Bowman -- Bowman's played very well."
Obviously, Bowman is out of the dog house, but geeze, he's gone from sleeping out on the driveway, right to the foot of the bed. He deserves it though. After all, Bowman's turning into the next LaVar Arrington. (Yeah, he's that good at making big plays)

More on night games...
"There is the television; the crowd seems to be a little more enthusiastic when you play later in the day. All those kinds of things."
"All those kinds of things." = a belligerently drunken crowd.

On Josh Gaines and his lack of publicity...
"I think he's probably not gotten the kind of credit the other kids get, because they're free-lancing most of the time on the outside."
Can't argue much there. Gaines has been a constant on this sketchy defensive front. He's a great leader, and has taken that role right onto the field. Gaines has 3nd Team All-Big Ten written all over him.

How does Penn State handle the hype, now at No. 6?
"I just say we've got Purdue this week. If we don't pay attention to what's right in front of you, then all that stuff down the road isn't going to happen."
Classic JoePa.

...and about his leg?
"I tell the guys on the team there is a difference between being hurt and being injured. If you're injured we don't want you to play. But if you're hurt, you better get out there. Right now I'm hurt."
How can anyone complain about being banged up, when this guy is out there?

Later today: Guest blogger Boiled Sports talks about Penn State's visit to Purdue, and more!

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