Monday, October 13, 2008

Review, Game 7: Penn State 48, Wisconsin 7

Today I'll go over a few of the ups and downs from Penn State's win over Wisconsin. We haven't seen a more complete performance out of Penn State--over a very decent team, never mind away from Beaver Stadium--since the 63-14 win over Ohio State in 1994. Yeah, Penn State looked that good in Madison. I said I would go over the ups and downs, but there really aren't any downs to go over this week. Sure, Daryll Clark threw a pick, but who cares, the game was well in hand at that point. But we'll get into all of this as I review how each unit performed Saturday, and what we could expect for next week's revenge-fest against Michigan.


Line - The run blocking could have been a little better, but Wisconsin's game plan blatantly centered around stopping Evan Royster. The beauty of that was Clark's ability to stay upright in the passing game, as the line didn't surrender any real negative plays this week. Even though Penn State rushed for a season-low 106 yards, it was mostly due to the short fields Wisconsin gave the Lions. So I'd say this was another dominant performance by the PSU offensive line.

Receivers - When Derrick Williams dropped the first long pass of the game, I said "here we go again." But that was the only big screw up by this unit all night. Wisconsin had a ton of trouble keeping the PSU wide outs from getting open, climaxing with Deon Butler drawing a holding call on his 44-yard touchdown grab. He just ran by the defender. On the route-running side, this was the best performance all year by the receivers, in terms of getting open on broken plays. They came back to the ball, and gave Clark a great big target to hit.

Quarterbacks - The best thing that could have happened to Clark this week was that interception. I was giddy seeing him freak out on the sideline, obviously livid at himself. That's the kind of attitude that wins championships. Clark hasn't pulled the ball down to run like Mike Robinson would have, but Clark is head-and-shoulders above M-Rob's passing abilities. He never takes his eyes off the receivers, yet somehow knows when the pressure's coming. The option pitch on the goal line was a work of art. I was pleasantly surprised to see Pat Devlin get some good throws in, but I'd like to see him get in earlier in blowouts. But that's just being picky.

Rushers - Penn State didn't need a big day from Evan Royster & Co. All he had to do was keep Wisconsin honest, and the Badgers took the bait. As I said above, Wisconsin went all out and committed to stopping the run. It worked, but not as well as we think. Royster was still able to get nice holes, and regularly pounded out five yards or more. Stephfon Green was effective, but again, didn't have to be anything more. This was a quiet week for the Penn State ground game.


Line - Aaron Maybin is, right now, a First-Team All-America selection. The rest of the line just stuffed P.J. Hill and supposed-phenom John Clay, but it was Maybin's timely sack and forced fumble that closed any window Wisconsin had for a comeback. After losing so many linemen this year, we were all worried about this unit being the weakest link. Not by a long shot, now. Who would have thought, if you said Maurice Evans would have only one sack at this point, that Penn State would be this dominant up front? Not me. One of the most over-looked aspects of the line's play is in pass defense. There were two to three instances where Wisconsin's quarterbacks had an open receiver, only to have Jared Odrick or another lineman bat down the pass.

Linebackers - Sometimes a no-name unit plays harder, and this season's linebackers are the embodiment of that theory. Josh Hull, following weeks of sketchy play, has elevated his game to new heights. He was on that lose fumble like itch on a mosquito bite. Those are the plays Penn State needs to win games. Navorro Bowman led the team, again, in tackles. Tyrell Sales should have had that interception, but we're not complaining. I really like where this unit is heading, especially with guys like Nate Stupar (more on him in a minute), Chris Colasanti and Mike Mauti waiting in the wings.

Secondary - Does any team in America have a better rotation of cornerbacks than Penn State? I think not at this point. Lydell Sargeant enjoyed his first interception so much, he decided to pick off another. But those passes weren't just bad throws, Sargeant actually baited the passer on at least one of them. And I can't say enough about Penn State's safeties. (Wow, I'm getting way to gushy this week!) Anthony Scirrotto didn't come up with the interception, after pleading with Tom Bradley to challenge, but it was a good play. I thought Mark Rubin would have made the play of the game if his interception stood. He looked like a wide receiver on that play. Oh wait, he used to be one.


Kickers - Kevin Kelly is the best kicker in the Big Ten. His nagging injuries are apparently gone, and it's showing. I'll admit I thought he wouldn't nail that 50-yarder. But he proved to me that he can make the big ones. Jeremy Boone recovered from a very "meh" week at Purdue, booting punts for almost 45 yards per. I'm extremely confident with the Penn State kicking game, should we need it against Ohio State or Michigan State.

Returners - Do they give awards for the best return man anymore? I'm going to find out, and when I do, Derrick Williams gets it this season, hands down.

Coverage - This week was night-and-day better than earlier this year, never mind last season. Stupar was a monster at getting to the ball carrier, but the unit as a whole really clamped down on Wisconsin's return games. Looked like someone beat up these guys in practice the past few weeks, because they were out for blood.


This is officially the Galen Hall & Jay Paterno show on offense. The "Spread HD" is sexier than sex itself. I wonder, when the coordinator of the year awards come out, who gets it? Galen or Jay? This wasn't old Penn State, conservative on the road, playing it safe. And I think Joe likes it, a lot. If I'm Ohio State, I'm getting very worried now that the prospect of a tight-assed Penn State gameplan is out the window. But this week we shouldn't overlook at the defense. Tom Bradley should get more respect for what he does with his group. With so many guys lost, from Sean Lee to the defensive tackles, to the injuries of Jerome Hayes and Devon Still, Bradley has done more with nothing than anyone in the nation. This is the first week I've given A+ to all four units.

*Ed-Later today, I'll post my top 25.

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