Thursday, October 22, 2009

Green out; won't make trip to Michigan

During the weekly Nittany Lion Hotline radio show, Joe Paterno said RB Stephfon Green will not be making the trip to Michigan with the team. The sophomore tweaked what Paterno called "a chronic ankle [problem]" earlier this week. Sophomore fullback/running back Brandon Beachum will serve as starter Evan Royster's primary backup.

This would be bigger if Royster wasn't playing so well. If this happened three weeks ago, I would be very concerned for Penn State's run game. But against Minnesota and Eastern Illinois, Green wasn't really a factor. Luckily, Beachum has really come on as a back up, and is a really strong runner. While disappointing, this isn't the end of the world by any means.

1 Commented on this story:

Anonymous,  Oct 23, 2009, 8:33:00 AM  

The thing I liked about Green in this game was against the Michigan LBs who are prone to take bad angles. If you could have got Green past the front 4, the LB misses, he has the speed to take it too the house from anywhere on the field. Royster doesn't have that 5th gear.

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