Pat Forde: (BCS) Ambulance Chaser
I'm not sure if he was super busy celebrating with his SEC lovers, or if he was completely plastered when he wrote it; ESPN's very own Pat Forde managed to write an article about the BCS Championship Game losers, Ohio State, that had no coherence, no journalistic restraint, and definately no bipartisan view of college football whatsoever. I know, that's his job--create Web site hits and (ESPN) talk show banter. But this article went way over the line between educated opinion and drunken redneck rant.
"Because next year's BCS National Championship Game will be played in Miami, and the Ohio State Buckeyes aren't invited. Especially if the Southeastern Conference champion is invited."Gee, thanks Pat, you've already managed to taint next season's (mythical) national champion. Tell you what, let's just say, for one season, the Big Ten has to play in the FCS. Then, if you feel like it, you can "let" the Big Ten back into the tree house. In fact, let's just go all out and say, "Until further notice, the SEC champion will be proactively given each and every national title, regardless of record or bowl win. Likewise, all past SEC champions will be retroactively awarded each and every national title ever given in the history of college football." Oh, but I almost forgot, "The Big Ten conference champion, until further notice, will have to go sit in the corner until they learn they suck."
Let's get back to the point. I will now quote Pat's article, and follow each excerpt with actual facts which completely blow up Pat's feeble attempt at a point.
"Nobody wants to see it a third time. Give Ohio State credit for consistently being very good -- but until Jim Tressel's team proves it can step up to the highest level of competition and actually stay on the field with an SEC opponent, stay away.Pat, if the highest level of competition is the SEC, then why aren't they their own super-mega-football bowl subdivision? In case you didn't realize, James Laurinaitis and Chris Wells weren't on John Cooper's squad that lost to South Carolina, or Earl Bruce's teams in the '80s. So all but last season's loss to Florida are irrelevant. Go look at the Big Ten's overall record versus the SEC. You're probably too lazy to look it up, so it's:
When the program's bowl record is 0-9 against the SEC, the evidence is overwhelming."

"Been there, overcome that -- three times, in fact. They were down 10 against Florida and Auburn and Alabama. All SEC opponents, not coincidentally."Florida lost to Michigan, Auburn lost to South Florida, and Alabama--drum roll please--lost to SunBelt powerhouse LOUISIANA-MONROE. Oh yeah, Florida lost in Orlando, Auburn lost in Auburn, and Alabama lost in Tuscaloosa. Louisiana-Monroe lost to 2-10 North Texas.
"The Big Ten, by contrast, has been the baby's crib. Ohio State has coasted through that league 15-1 the past two seasons, only to collapse in the face of an SEC champ with a lower BCS standing and a worse record."Just who gives the SEC champ that lower BCS standing? Did the entire Ohio State team get to vote LSU below them? Last I checked, it was the writers and coaches voting LSU lower than Ohio State. Last I checked, Ohio State never demanded they belonged in the title game. Last I checked, if LSU didn't sustain so many key injuries, they would have been No. 1 all season long and undefeated. And last I checked, LSU was ranked No. 2 in the preseason, and Ohio State was No. 10. So are you really that surprised that LSU won? You shouldn't be. Or are you acting surprised for ratings and readership?
I should know better. I should expect this from a writer like Pat, though.
"The Buckeyes have achieved just enough the past two seasons to rise to a level where they're incompetent."Please, Ohio State's rise was only possible with the clatter of the sports writers' keyboards and the ranting into the microphones. The media has no one to blame for this second consecutive BCS bomb, but themselves. This time, it was Pat Forde chasing after the ambulance, on its way to clean up after another BCS train wreck. He saw the opportunity to pounce on a situation, offering an opinion which is in almost direct contradiction of what he had said prior to the game. From his pre-bowl Forde-Yard-Dash:
"The Buckeyes lead the nation in total D, while the Tigers are third. LSU has had time to heal a lot of battered bodies, perhaps most importantly that of defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey, who has been dragging himself through the last half of the season on a bad leg. His matchup against star Buckeyes tackles Kirk Barton and Alex Boone will make the trenches well worth watching. But it's on the perimeter where LSU should have the edge with a similar speed advantage to what Florida enjoyed last year. Hard to see Ohio State QB Todd Boeckman (four interceptions, zero touchdowns his last two games) making enough plays to beat LSU.Pat seemed pretty damn sure LSU would win by a large margin. So what's so surprising to him? If he knew LSU would win, then fine. But don't come out a day later and then go on a tangent saying how horrid the Buckeyes and the Big Ten are--a day later, when Pat could smuggly compose his article knowing the game's final score. There was not one hint of "I told you so" in the article, something you would come to expect from a person who believes in what they write. But after all, it's all Ohio State's fault. The Buckeyes should have told the BCS, "No, I think we'll pass this season. We want to go to the Rose Bowl instead." Shame on you Ohio State. Shame on you Jim Tressel. How dare you, wanting to compete for a national title. The voters and the coaches begged you, pleaded that you don't bully them into voting "Ohio State: No. 1." Pat Forde is a leader, a man among boys when it comes to chosing who should play in the national championship, and we should all bow down to him. For it is he who should be the sole dictator of college football, and no petty minion should dare question his word, especially if that word says the Big Ten sucks balls.
Dash pick: LSU 27, Ohio State 14."
"And he should know not to bring that weak Big Ten stuff back to the BCS National Championship Game again next year."Well, I guess Ohio State AD Gene Smith has no choice. The Buckeyes should just drop their football program. They don't deserve to play the game. Ohio State, you can just take your toys and go home! You're not my friend anymore, and you can't come to my birthday party, either!
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