Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Ten Bloggers 2008 "Fearless" Conference Predictions

In the last of three 2008 Big Ten Bloggers Preseason Predictions posts, the Big Ten looks to take a turn for the weird. Outside of Ohio State, not many teams are expected to do extremely well in 2008. (I beg to differ) Michigan State, Northwestern and Penn State seem to be gaining steam among us "experts," with Ohio State still leading the pack. Again, I'd like to thank Lake the Posts for organizing this and putting it all together. So here ya go.

Coach of the Year
Pat Fitzgerald, NU (ZN vote: Mark D'Antonio, MSU) I figured if MSU is as good as I think (more on that later), its coach will get the nod here, but the masses have spoken. I was torn though, having changed my answer from Fitz' just before submitting these picks. Sorry, LTP. Speaking of LTP, he said:

"I was shocked considering the same constituents voted the Cats to finish 9th just two weeks ago. As I mentioned the Cats received votes at nearly every ranking though, and clearly my badgering of the bloggers has influenced the vote. Amazing, a coach who is heavily favored to bring his team to the 3rd straight title game comes in second to Fitz. So much for low expectations by my peers!"

Most Likely To Strike Heisman Pose
Beanie Wells, Ohio State. (ZN vote: Same) Duh. But, of course, I'd love to be pleasantly surprised by one of our own. LTP said:
"The only other competitor in the voting was Wells' Ohio State teammate, LB James Laurinaitis, though most conceded the offensive bias of the Heisman would make this unlikely."

Last Year's Illini Will Be This Year's....?
Michigan State (ZN vote: Same) This one was pretty easy. I think D'Antonio is one of the best coaches no one really respects yet. I could see MSU in the Captial One Bowl or better. LTP said:
"General consensus is Ohio State is in a league of their own with Wisconsin and Penn State a tier below and then it is a free-for-all. Sparty had lots of competition as everyone other than the three top tier teams mentioned above got some love with the exception of Indiana."

Upset Game of The Year:
Utah over Michigan (ZN vote: MSU over Cal) I know mine wasn't a "wow" pick, but if MSU can do that, it could be a big year for the Spartans and D'Antonio. I'd have to agree with some of the other guys though, who said that Utah over UM isn't that big of a deal, if you've followed UM's issues lately. LTP said:
"BHGP tried to stir up Happy Valley by taking Coastal Carolina over Penn State (BHGP gets the homerism award for picking Iowa in nearly every category, including Mitch King for Heisman...wise guy!). I chose Central Michigan over Purdue in the combo "its tough to be beat a team 3 times in 2 seasons" cliche along with the classic trap setup between Oregon and Notre Dame games. Wisconsin going down early was a popular choice as, Buckeye blogs led the way. Around the Oval had Akron over Wisconsin while Eleven Warriors had Fresno State upsetting the Badgers."

Name You'll Know In December That No One Knows In June:
Evan Royster, PSU (ZN vote: Bani Gbadyu, PSU) I figured at the very least a few teams knew who Royster was already: Wisconsin, Purdue and Texas A&M. That would cover a good chunk of people in two conferences. But I guess the "that no one knows" was meant figuratively. Sorry, folks, but Gbadyu has a chance to start this fall, and if he plays like he did in 2007 (the small bit we have to go off of), then he'll be up for at least conference HM. LTP said:
"Amazingly only one player received more than four votes as nearly every blogger voted for someone from his own team. Several were able to raise above the fray."

Most Likely to John McLaren (lose it in postgame rant, NOT lose his job):
Rich Rodriguez, Michigan (ZN vote: Same) I just think that the combo of a previously successful coach, a really bad team (relatively), and a media/fan base like UM's, is a formula ready to explode. And Dick-Rod is Mt. St. Helens. LTP said:
"Bonus points to Badger Sports Fan for providing visual aides for several of his answers, especially this one, where he made his case for Mark Dantonio. A Sparty blow-up has become almost a rite of passage thanks to John L. Smith's legacy, but once again Michigan State lost out to its big bro in Ann Arbor as bloggers are warning you to keep Michigan postgame pressers on the TIVO."

Highest Draft Pick In 2009:
Beanie Wells, Ohio State. (ZN vote: Same) There's no other real star in the league right now on the same level as Wells. Granted, he wasn't as well-known as Tebow (SEC love fest strikes again!), but once he broke that long TD run against LSU, his Heisman campaign was officially on. LTP said:
"The voting was much closer, but again it was a two dog race between Laurinaitis and Wells."

Must See Game of The Year That Is Not Michigan-Ohio State:
Ohio State - USC on September 13. (ZN vote: Same) We all kind of knew this one would get the nod, but there are plenty of good games to watch this year. My second would have been a pure homer pick in PSU/Michigan since it could be the first time PSU wins since 1996. We'll see though. LTP said:
"However, Penn State-Wisconsin got quite a few votes and came in 2nd and the Illini got some love, mostly from bloggers whose teams are seeking revenge (most of them!)."

Big Ten Bloggers 2008 Predictions:
Part 1, Conference Order of Finish
Part 2, All-Conference Teams

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